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"ini tentang cinta yang datang perlahan", "sayang yang mungkin dalam membuatku takut kehilangan", "kutitipkan lentera kasih agar nyalanya terjaga tak padam didera goda dan masa", "cinta terbentuk dari perasaan yang sangat dalam", " bertahun kita lalui bersama bercanda tertawa dan kesedian/mengangis", " 2 hati lebih kuat dibanding 3", " tapi itu hanya jika masih tinggal dalam hatiku tak seorangpun bisa memisahkan kita kecuali kehendak-NYA"



Al-Mahdi will appear in Muharram

ppear before the Ramadan, seen some signs of real events and a contraption in the sky. Firstly shocks occur, and the thundering voice that emerged loud and terrible,

News Content:
1. Video from the book "insurrection Zaman Awal",
2. News from Republika Friday edition, 7 Nov.2003
"Preview Attractions Leonid" and
"The November Night Specials."
3. News about the eclipse-eclipse in 2003 (NASA)

1) From the book "insurrection Zaman Awal" essay Amin Muhammad Jamaluddin (lecturer at the Faculty of Graduate and Tsaqafah Dakwah Islamiyah, Al-Azhar University, Cairo) (Aqwam Publisher, July 2003):

Page 97:

Singularity-singularity of Ramadan and occurs in the accident-terrible accident in Syawwal, Dzulqaidah and Dzulhijjah. Al-Mahdi will appear in the month Muharram. At Ramadan appear before, seen a few signs of real events and a contraption in the sky. Firstly shocks occur, and the thundering voice that emerged loud and terrible, everyone can hear, then appeared the comet brighten the sky, the sun and the moon and the eclipse.

If events have occurred over the month of Ramadan, the month of Syawal akan going melee (ma'ma'ah). Then in Dzulqaidah akan of conflicts between ethnic strife between the country and Islam. Then in Dzulhijjah, the Hajj, there will be a robbery jama'ah to the Hajj and the war between Islamic nations and tribes, so that blood flow in Jumrah 'Aqabah on the day-to-day Idul Adha in Mina.

If the above has occurred, then the Al-Mahdi and dibaiat appear on Asyura month Muharram.

I will mention several hadith about this is actually quite a lot:

Nu'aim bin Hammad sanadnya narrate that the Messenger of Allah. said:
"In the month of Ramadhan visible signs in the sky, shining like a pillar, on Syawwal disaster happens, happens in Dzulqa'idah ruin, in the Dzulhijjah Jamaah Hajj was robbed, and in Muharram, Muharram know whether it?"

Messenger of Allah. also said:
"There will be a formidable voice in the month of Ramadhan, in the hurly-burly days Syawwal, inter-ethnic conflict in Dzulqa'idah, and in the year that the pilgrimage was robbed and Jamaah going great slaughter in Mina in which many people were killed and the blood flow there, whereas in at that time they were in the Jumrah Aqabah. "

He saw. also said:
"When the voice has appeared in the month of Ramadhan, it will happen in the hurly-burly days Syawwal ...". We ask: "Voters do, O Messenger of Allah?" He said: "Voters in the mid of Ramadan, on Friday night, will appear a strong voice making the bed, making the person who stands settled down, the girl out of the pingitannya, on Friday night in the occurrence of many earthquakes. If you have been carrying out dawn prayer on Friday, go to you in your home, close the door-door, sumbatlah-lubangnya hole, and self selimutilah you, you sumbatlah ear. If you feel the sound of thunder, then you prostrate to Allah and say: "Mahasuci Al-Quddus, Mahasuci Al-Quddus, our Rabb Al-Quddus", because he will do so safely, but he who does not do so akan perish ".

Muhammad bin Ali said:
"Indeed, Al-Mahdi who is looking we have two signs which have not been going ever since God created the heavens and the earth, moon eclipse on the evening of the first month of Ramadhan, while the sun eclipse in mid-month, and second it had not happened since God created the heavens and the earth. " (diriwayatkan Daruquthni in his Sunan).

2) Daily News from Republika Daily REPUBLIKA
Friday, 07 November 2003
Preview Leonid Attractions

The show I: Prime Attractions

First meeting with Leonid meteor is estimated to occur on 13 November at 17:17 GMT. Earth will jump sky carpet dust generated by the comet Tempel-Tuttle 1499sejauh year 393 thousand kilometers. Rain falling freely with this can be witnessed by observers sky in Asia, Indonesia, and Australia.

Estimated, the rain falling this will peak before sunrise on the morning of 14 November. When the night sky looks bright, the sky every observer can see 100 or more Leonid per jamnya. However, temaram rays in the early morning hours akan little memburamkan view.

Most likely, Leonid akan looks pale. Average each jamnya will be calculated based on 15 minute intervals. While the activity is estimated to peak does not take longer than one hour.

Performance II: The Busy the pale

Second opportunity to witness the meteor from the circus lion constellation stars this fall on 19 November. This event is held the first week after the attraction ends. Bumi akan jump distance of 53 thousand kilometers of comet dust path created in 1533 this year.
"At the peak to both of them, will appear Leonid per 30 hours," said Esko Lyytinen, researchers meteor Finnish origin.
Jeremie Vaubaillon from Institut de Mecanique Celeste et de Calcul des Ephemerides in France even think there will be 100 per jamnya meteor. This unique scene clearly seen by the community in the north and west of South America.

During this recital II progresses, there is good news and bad news. The good news, when the light does not obscure the view months. Bad news, the two researchers-and-Lyytinen-Vaubaillon believe this meteor particle size is very small, so small it is likely will be seen by naked eye.

Performance III: Heavy fire ball

Peter Jenniskens of the NASA Ames Reseach Center and Hans Betlem of the Dutch Meteor Society states the opportunity to observe the Leonid attraction at three to take action. At that time, the earth across the river Filament alias meteor. Approximately, 50 per hour meteor or a meteor per minute akan strike the atmosphere. Kejadiannya similar to the rain but with the Perseid meteor is brighter.

This action took place during the third 24 hours, longer than the previous action. Peak 'festival fireworks' shooting will occur at approximately 5:25 AM GMT on November 19. Masyarkaat in western Africa, western Europe, southeast United States, and eastern Canada are lucky to see it more clearly.
rei / Daily REPUBLIKA various sources
Friday, 07 November 2003
Night of November Specials

Many natural phenomena that occur during this month. The one that has and will happen again is a phenomenon sun storms last week. Japan to report to the office they lost contact with the satellite monitoring environment that occur during storms. Previously, this activity is called sun-call work will affect the satellite, high frequency radio communications and power networks.

However, solar activity is also sending a beautiful scenery that is spectacular aurora forms. Red light green tinge orange clearly visible in the sky south of Texas, Arizona, and Alabama, the United States. Then, after September berbinar beautiful back, throw back pesonanya Mars. In November, the astronomy lovers can see the surface of Mars with white fog. Interesting scenery that can diintip through the telescope.

Venus is not beautify the sky. Planet that is located in the bottom of this southeast horizon akan appear beautiful at night. Right at the Hari Raya Idul Fitri future, 25 November, Venus appears 30 minutes after sunset. The light of this planet will be exactly in the top right of the new month. Meanwhile, Merkurius can start ditengok shortly after the switch day and evening. Tiny planet that is in the bottom right of Venus.

Meanwhile, the morning sky is not less interesting to dipandangi. Morning is the time Jupiter and Saturn act. Although published at 20:00, Saturn is clearly visible after midnight. Meanwhile, a new Jupiter appears at around 02.00 AM.

Not only that night bertebar beauty. Kita akan disuguhi scene and invited menajubkan hymn in the early morning 18 November next. Leonid Meteor beratraksi in the eastern sky. Meteor konstalasi this comes from the constellation Leo stars. Meteor is located directly opposite the earth. That's why he was able to travel quickly to the earth atmosphere. The speed reaches 160 thousand miles per hour.

This incident including the events outside the ordinary. The Leonid meteor rain meteor storms created a very powerful, as in the 1966 first. At the time the West Coast 150 meteor storms occur per hour. Leonid Meteor form of dust remains of comet Tempel-Tuttle which rake in the solar system every 33 years. Each time this comet pass near the sun, leave it serpihan-serpihan solid. Size debunya have a small grain of sand and some are reaching large marbles.

Appearance is rival Leonid meteor annual rainfall, August Perseid and Geminid December. Leonid this year not only appear once. Appearance perdananya fall on 13 and 19 last November. The entire population the earth can see the attraction Leonid this. At least one aksinya only. Each rain Leonid meteor seen from a different location.

In this year, total lunar eclipse to take place two 8 November. Unfortunately, this event can not be monitored by the people of Indonesia. This incident can only be seen by those who are in the United States, some regions of Europe, and Africa. To clarify the observation, Binocular or telescope can help. Eclipse will occur when the days start entering the outside of the shadow of the earth aka dim penumbra. Genesis is held more than one hour prior to moving to the Umbra, in the shadow of the dark earth.

Estimated, will spend months around three hours and 33 minutes to complete the journey through Umbra. Next total lunar eclipse will take place on 4 May 2004. This spectacular scenery can also ditengok by those living in the east of Europe, Africa and the Middle East, and Asia in the western part of the early morning of 9 November. Towards the Idul Fitri, 23 November, total solar eclipse live on Antarctica. They are located in Australia and New Zealand will see the same natural phenomenon as part of the sun eclipse. Unlike the lunar eclipse, solar eclipse can not be observed directly with the naked eye.

Currently, the center actively demonstrate the condition. According to the researchers, this is the most active when the sun for centuries. Visible evidence of storm geomagnetik which overrides the earth.

"Currently we live with the condition that the sun is different from the usual," said Mike Lockwood from Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK. Solar magnetic activity that this effect of global warming. reiny dwinanda / bbc

3) News from the NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center,
information can be viewed at:

Eclipses During 2003
by Fred Espenak
Observer’s Handbook 2003, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

During the year 2003, there will be two solar eclipses and two lunar eclipses:
2003 May 16: Total Lunar Eclipse
2003 May 31: Annular Solar Eclipse
2003 Nov 09: Total Lunar Eclipse
2003 Nov 23: Total Solar Eclipse

Predictions for the eclipses are summarized in figures 1 through 6. World maps show the regions of visibility for each eclipse. The lunar eclipse diagrams also include the path of the Moon through Earth’s shadows. Contact times for each principal phase are tabulated along with the magnitudes and geocentric coordinates of the Sun and Moon at greatest eclipse.
http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/eclipse/OH/OH2003.html ….


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