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"ini tentang cinta yang datang perlahan", "sayang yang mungkin dalam membuatku takut kehilangan", "kutitipkan lentera kasih agar nyalanya terjaga tak padam didera goda dan masa", "cinta terbentuk dari perasaan yang sangat dalam", " bertahun kita lalui bersama bercanda tertawa dan kesedian/mengangis", " 2 hati lebih kuat dibanding 3", " tapi itu hanya jika masih tinggal dalam hatiku tak seorangpun bisa memisahkan kita kecuali kehendak-NYA"



9 It is important to understand the aspects Before Starting Business

Start a business for most people is not that easy. It is a classic, there many considerations here, so do not make people rarely start businesses fail. Start a business should not become a source of fear for each person. To remove the fear in starting the business, someone can make preparation business so that it can be cooked with menjalaninya optimistic.

One of the seminar Gerald Abraham one of the advisory business at a law firm, also the owner and director of a financial consultant in 2006, contains about becoming a success with the important aspects of the 9 before starting the business.

1. Understanding the concept of the product or service well

Before the start of a business then it is most important is our understanding akan concept product or service that will be the core business. We need to understand not only the technical but also the production and market prospects ranging from the smallest to the environment that the environment is the biggest. In this topic extensively discussed aspects that are important in conducting a feasibility analysis on the prospects and products including products with a whole new side to see human behavior, and other needs of the market.

2. Create a vision and business mission

Anyone who would like to start a business must know the vision and mission that will be the guide for someone to keep the focus and purpose of business organizations that from the beginning. Often when a business starts growing in the next stage fail because the organization does not focus on the improvement of business early, but too many try to develop other businesses in the new. In this topic everyone will learn how to create a vision and mission in relation to the personal background and business knowledge that will be your path.

3. Need for winning, positive attitude and learning to be successful

Mental attitude is the key to the success of the efforts other than your understanding of your business. there is no over night success should be something that every candidate dicamkan of "entrepreneur" because time is required, do not give up attitude, kesinambunga the learning process, and view problems in a positive way that does not make you become jaded, but every opportunity to see and learn of any failure . You will learn to develop the attitudes above to be the "business entrepreneur" is a success.

4. Plan and business strategy that will effectively avoid the business of business and financial risk.

Statistically almost all small business and the failure was due to secondary or less in the absence of effective planning for your business. Assumptions such as production capacity, level of utilization of production, the projected increase in prices and costs and other aspects of planning in business is to be accurately described the reality of market practice or in an existing industry. Sistematika calculation and projection of income and costs should be made precisely so that each candidate to help employers to calculate accurately the needs of capital investment and working capital including the cost structure for the initial preparation, the experiment, the commercial production, inventory, distribution, marketing, administration, resources and also the human component of business income that consists of core and additional income. A good understanding on this matter will also help prospective entrepreneur to be able to identify potential business risks, and financial management and control measures in order to avoid any risk.

5. Knowledge base management, organization and the system will avoid the risk of business management.

Every business from even the most minor requires good management to ensure that the process of marketing, production, distribution and sales take place with both. Management system that will lead to the poor who do not need to cost such as raw materials that terbuang, workers who are not productive because of ineffective supervision and job descriptions that are not clear, coordination and communication between employees that are not effective, so many decisions too late, the recruitment of employees not effective, so many employees who go out and throw a lot of time and cost, which is not good training so that employee productivity is low and there are many more problems of the organization. In this topic we will provide knowledge and basic aspects of great importance that must be learned by the potential entrepreneur to avoid business risk management that can cause business failure.

6. Optimization of human resources and 50% of your business is successful.

Human resources or human resources is one of the key success of the business, which is very important. Many experts are starting to realize that business is often when we recruit the right employees, and potentially very good close to poor management, organization and systems in the short term. With the right human resources and we are half way to be successful. This topic will help us to understand the criteria of a good employee and in accordance with the needs of business, human resource management in general, including employee performance evaluation system so that each employee will be satisfied and also how to motivate both employees and the general psychological system with incentives to optimize the performance of employees.

7. Why creativity, leadership and decision-making process is very important?

In general, start a business each potential entrepreneur will experience many problems and crises. Many failures occur because of lack of creativity, leadership and decision making of the right to seek a good solution. Creativity as "thinking outbox" or ability to perform analysis of problems outside of the existing alternatives and find creative solutions that will help your business to succeed. Creativity will also greatly help you to customize your products to be received by the market and also see the opportunities in building your business. Dalamkrisis leadership is very important to make every employee and all the people involved in the business that you believe you do not panic, is the last resort where the solution to all problems and become a role model. Decision making process will assist you in finding alternative solutions and select the best for your business and organization. In this topic you will find ways to develop your business creativity, leadership characteristics that match your background and how the process in making the correct decision in every issue.

8. Basic financial management and financing

Understanding on this aspect is very important in the development of your business. Production is often delayed because of financial management that is not good such as the lack of funds for the purchase of raw materials, tools and other production. Dalamtopik this will be discussed on the basis of cash flow or cash flow is like blood in the human body, the cost of funding, financing investment and working capital, capital structure, company assets, including capital and other.

9. Marketing, service and product brand

Marketing is the spearhead of the successful sale of products or services. As well as any product or service without a good marketing it will be very difficult to increase sales and profitability of the business. On the other hand without a good service to customers it will be a very difficult business to get a loyal customer is the key to the development of the business. With a loyal customer and marketing job will be easier because of good service will create a good product brand to potential new customers. In this topic will be discussed comprehensively secera all important aspects in creating marketing strategies, identification of services that customers need and how to create product and brand effect to the success of the business.


Anonymous said...

Oke Ntu Bleh DicOba...

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